" Jusan Mobile " JSC is committed to high ethical standards and principles of open and fair conduct of business. We follow the best practices of corporate governance and are interested in maintaining business reputation at the proper level.
Acting together and opposing any unethical practices, we not only demonstrate our involvement in identifying and preventing any violations inside the company and its environment, we eliminate the reasons that can influence on long-term and successful relationships with our partners and customers based on respect, trust and cooperation ".
"Jusan Mobile" JSC aims at a high level of ensuring the security of the company's information assets and client resources in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 27001.
The examples of incidents of information security include denial of service, disclosure of confidential information, non-compliance with contractual obligations, theft of equipment, unauthorized access, misuse of the Company information systems and resources, fraud using telecommunications, as well as IT security problems, etc. All incidents discovered related to information security, you can report here.
Your message will be reviewed by the Leading Information Security Manager
The human and the environment safety is one of the priorities at “Jusan Mobile” JSC.
Our Company is one of the first in the Republic of Kazakhstan certified according to the international standards OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 and makes every effort for people safety, environment protection, preserving and protecting ecosystems, creating conditions for harmonious, balanced development of nature, Company and economy of Kazakhstan.
If you witnessed a case of accident or threat occurrence related to the production operations or waste handling that causes or could cause a damage to the environment, human health or property, please immediately report it here
Your message will be reviewed by the HSE Department
"Jusan Mobile" JSC does an open and honest business in compliance with the principles of fair competition and free and open market. The Company has adopted the Ethical Code and Anti-Corruption Policy.
Компанияда сыбайластықтың барлық түріне (бопсалаушылық, парақорлық, нысандылықты жеңілдету мақсатында сыйлық беру/алу, непотизм мен тамыр-таныстық, алаяқтық, ақшаның ізін жасыру және т.б. ) қатаң тыйым салынған.
All forms of corruption (extortion, bribery, facilitation payment, nepotism, fraud and money-washing, etc.) are strictly prohibited at the Company. To assist in the disclosure and restraint of corruption offenses, you can report here
Your message will be reviewed by the Director of the Security Department, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee
АО «Jusan Mobile» обеспечивает репутацию надежного партнера и поставщика высококачественных телекоммуникационных услуг и стремится к честному ведению бизнеса, посредством реализации всех корпоративных политик. Мы выступаем против любой неэтичной деловой практики и нарушений политик в области охраны труда и окружающей среды, информационной безопасности, антикоррупционной политики. . Мы призываем наших сотрудников, клиентов, деловых партнеров и прочих заинтересованных лиц сообщать о любых инцидентах, связанных с нарушением информационной безопасности, охраны труда и экологии и фактах коррупции.
You can report the incident by sending message in no particular form using one of the tabs (see above).
Your messages will be processed in confidentiality. Any forms of harassment related to reported violations are prohibited at "Jusan Mobile” JSC. All received reports are investigated and you will receive a response within 10 working days.
Reporting violations, you promote the responsible conduct of business.