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Upgrade of the Protection from DDoS Attacks Service 20.07.2018

Greetings, Dear Partners!

Today we would like to inform you about the launch of a local Internet Traffic Filter in Kazakhstan together with the partner StormWall.

The launch of the Filter will increase the immunity of the network to DDoS attacks, reduce the delay of signal transmission during the attack, and also will be able to guarantee excellent communication for clients, both in Kazakhstan and in Central Asia and continental China.

We remind you that DDoS is Distributed Denial of Service attacks on the system aiming at disabling it, in other words, creating conditions under which users cannot access the network services that they need.

 Launch of a local Internet Traffic Filter in Kazakhstan will improve:    

 –  Websites protection;     

 –  IP protection;   

 –  Network protection.


For DDoS attacks protection, connect to our service.
